Monday, March 25, 2019

Updates From the Front!

Howdy ya'll Praetorianofthe_East here, we here at BTL know it has been a while, but we have been slammed with school work, but we have an exciting new endeavor starting to make up for the lack of content (and expect new content soon between new 40k armies and our forays into Star Wars: Legion), and this endeavor is *DRUM ROLL* A YouTube channel! Here, we will post a variety of things including a Podcast (with topics ranging from models to tournament play), online battle reports played on Tabletop Simulator across a variety of games, Pen and Paper RPG sessions, physical battle reports, and sometimes even video game footage because we do enjoy a variety of strategy games, but expect this to be infrequent. This blog will remain open of...

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018: A Year in Review

Another year has passed by. For those of you who are long time readers, you know that at the end of every year I write a blog post about the top 3 most viewed post of the year. I do have a quick aside though. From August to now, I have not had the opportunity to post much. I found a new job and it has kept me very busy. What that means for this blog at the moment I do not know. However, I do intend to do 1 post per month in the coming New Year. Just to keep this blog alive. I also will be encouraging guest writers to add to the blog with their own takes on their miniatures and models. Another idea I had was setting up a Youtube Channel and filming a few games to post here as well. Would anyone be interested in that? Let me know in the comments...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Phantine Air Corp: Tornado's are coming!

                     Since today is July 4th, I've decided to bring you another Phantine Air Corp article. Long time readers of the blog will note that on July 4th, we here at Behind the Lines celebrate American Independence Day. The last few times have been about the Phantine as seen here and here as examples. So we figured we would continue the tradition of talking about airplanes and paratroopers. Well a while back, I joined the 40k Aeronautica group on Facebook. This group is all about the Air Club. People post their own home made aircraft as well as official GW / FW models.Its a very exciting group to be a part of. The community is great and the admin team is super....

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Commission: Blood Pact Infantry

First 5 members of the squad "They hide their faces in snarling iron, but the cruelty in their hearts is manifest in their burtual deeds. We are lost and we are done. May the God-Emperor forgive our failure and protect our souls." - Last Transmission of General DeLesstt, Urdesh Back of the first 5 members. Notice the cloak done up in the style of my Tanith So I've been commissioned again and this time Im painting Chaos. I never really thought I would paint chaos. However since this commission was something that was close to the Gaunt's Ghost series, I decided that it would be fun to paint. The Blood Pact are the main villains of the Gaunt's Ghost Series. A chaos force that has built itself up as a massive threat to the Imperium in...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sisters of Battle: Saint Sabbat and her angels

"There are no miracles , there are only men" - Saint Sabbat "Do not shrik! Do not falter! Give them death in the name of Sabbat"  - Saint Sabbat at the Battle for the Gates of Harkalon Welcome back to Behind the Lines!  Today we have a Saint Celestine proxy for my new Sisters of Battle army. The Sisters of Battle are currently the oldest line of models in 40k and so most of my sisters are going to be either 3rd party or proxy. For Celestine and her angels, I choose to have a Harbinger of Menoth to be the base of my model. I then found some Blood Angel wings thanks to a local gamer (Thanks Charlie!) and converted my Celestine model. For her angels, I found two old Sister models on ebay and bought them for probably more than they...

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Marcharius IX Campaign: Curtain Call

"I dont care about that damned planet,I only care that the heads of each and every [Chaos] Lord there is on a [expletive] pike" - Uriel Bejz (Renegade Marine, once of the Minotaur's chapter 999 M41) "I commend them, the Gue'La. Not for their tenacity, not for their ferocity nor for their cunning. It is for their honor that I now have great respect for them. Even when drawn down to a man, even when death was inevitable, they still fought us with all they had, instead of cowering or surrendering like dogs. When faced against overwhelming odds, they stood strong, even when scores fell. These...humans...they will forever have my respect." -  Shas'O BrightSun (T'Kain Sept, Marcharius IX reclamation Force M41) Today ends our groups Marcharius...

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Tanith 1st and Only: Verghast Recruits from Vervunhive

"For Vervunhive! For Verghast! For The Emperor!" -  Battle cry of the Verghast Tanith First and Only Another month done for 2018. Where is the time going? Today I present to you my next squad of Tanith 1st and Only. This time is is my redone Verghast squad. Sharp minded readers might remember that I had showed off this squad Here back in 2016. So you might be asking, Jon, why are you posting these guys again? Well they're part of the great "repaint of 2017 - 2018". Essentially I have started adding eyes to all of my Guard infantry models. Ive also added Tattoos to some squads like the one shown here. For the moment, im focusing on the eyes and repainting the flesh to be less flat. Ironically, the flesh paint I got for these...

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