Well, schools started again and that means that with classes starting up my time for modeling my tanith is gonna be next to none. Having left 95% of my army at home, i decided to bring 500 points with me in the form of a battleforce, a lord commisar (counts as inquistor) and the phantine vet squad for me to play should i want to play guard.
I havent yet broken open the box ( Had it since July, where has the time gone?) but ive been thinking on how i would like to model them once i get the chance. Ive been watching over blogs, forums and other site and while im sold on how they'll look, i dont want to start the project of converting them only to find im missing some key component later on. I figure eventually i'll have to start. Today unfortunalty is not that day.
So what i writtern this blog for? Well i did want to start off with some screens from this summer. Having gone home and reevaulated my tanith's look i started from a new idea and progressed (slowly) into making them as close as i could, with the cadian kits with some catachan spares.
The following pics are from late june and no longer represent the final look of the models themselves. However, once i get home, new pics will be forthcoming. The following characters are from left to right: Major Rawne (Beret) Mkoll (Grenade)Crid (Female) Feygor (mohawk)
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